Commit 41bb9e48 authored by Tags's avatar Tags

Removed spaces

parent 0d6d7805
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -93,12 +93,13 @@ def save():
def graph_results(in_data, title=''):
# import numpy as np
from pylab import figure, show, hist
from pylab import figure, show, hist, savefig
data = np.asarray(in_data)
hist(data, bins=50)
# show()
def text_clear(word):
......@@ -164,13 +165,3 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
diff_dict_sets = set(data_dictionary) - dict_standart
print('\nThe difference of extracted dictionary and common dictionary is', len(diff_dict_sets))
diff_dict_sets1 = set(data_dictionary) - dict_standart1
print ('\n2\nThe difference of extracted dictionary and common dictionary is', len (diff_dict_sets1))
print (diff_dict_sets1)
print("And the diff of sets are: ", len(diff_dict_sets1 ^ diff_dict_sets))
print(diff_dict_sets1 ^ diff_dict_sets)
diff_diff_dictionary= set(data_dictionary) - dict_standart - dict_standart1
print("If double diffs to do we get: ", len(diff_diff_dictionary))
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
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