class-itsec-four-oh-four-log.php 5.93 KB
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 * Log 404 errors for Intrusion Detection Module
 * @package    iThemes-Security
 * @subpackage Intrusion-Detection
 * @since      4.0
final class ITSEC_Four_Oh_Four_Log extends ITSEC_WP_List_Table {

	function __construct() {

				'singular' => 'itsec_four_oh_four_log_item',
				'plural'   => 'itsec_four_oh_four_log_items',
				'ajax'     => true


	 * Define first time column
	 * @param array $item array of row data
	 * @return string formatted output
	function column_first_time( $item ) {

		return $item['first_time'];


	 * Define time column
	 * @param array $item array of row data
	 * @return string formatted output
	function column_last_time( $item ) {

		return $item['last_time'];


	 * Define count column
	 * @param array $item array of row data
	 * @return string formatted output
	function column_count( $item ) {

		return $item['count'];


	 * Define uri column
	 * @param array $item array of row data
	 * @return string formatted output
	function column_uri( $item ) {

		global $itsec_logger;

		$items = $itsec_logger->get_events( 'four_oh_four', array( 'log_url' => $item['uri'] ) );

		echo '<a href="itsec_404_details_' . $item['id'] . '" class="dialog">' . $item['uri'] . '</a>';

		echo '<div id="itsec_404_details_' . $item['id'] . '" style="display:none;">';

		echo '<h3>' . __( 'Details for ' . $item['uri'], 'better-wp-security' ) . '</h3>';

		echo '<ol class="file_change_detail_list">';

		foreach ( $items as $item => $details ) {
			$data = maybe_unserialize( $details['log_data'] );
			echo '<li class="404_detail"><strong>' . __( 'Time', 'better-wp-security' ) . '</strong>: ' . $details['log_date'] . '<br /><strong>' . __( 'Host', 'better-wp-security' ) . '</strong>: ' . $details['log_host'] . '<br /><strong>' . __( 'Referrer', 'better-wp-security' ) . '</strong>: ' . esc_html( $details['log_referrer'] ) . '<br /><strong>' . __( 'Query', 'better-wp-security' ) . '</strong>: ' . esc_html( $data['query_string'] ) . '</li>';

		echo '</ol>';

		echo '</div>';


	 * Define Columns
	 * @return array array of column titles
	public function get_columns() {

		return array(
			'uri'        => __( 'Location', 'better-wp-security' ),
			'count'      => __( 'Count', 'better-wp-security' ),
			'first_time' => __( 'First Recorded', 'better-wp-security' ),
			'last_time'  => __( 'Last Recorded', 'better-wp-security' ),


	 * Define Sortable Columns
	 * @return array of column titles that can be sorted
	public function get_sortable_columns() {

		$order = ( empty( $_GET['order'] ) ) ? false : true;

		$sortable_columns = array(
			'uri'        => array( 'uri', $order ),
			'count'      => array( 'count', $order ),
			'first_time' => array( 'first_time', $order ),
			'last_time'  => array( 'last_time', $order ),

		return $sortable_columns;


	 * Prepare data for table
	 * @return void
	public function prepare_items() {

		global $itsec_logger;

		$columns               = $this->get_columns();
		$hidden                = array();
		$sortable              = $this->get_sortable_columns();
		$this->_column_headers = array( $columns, $hidden, $sortable );

		$items = $itsec_logger->get_events( 'four_oh_four' );

		$table_data = array();

		foreach ( $items as $item ) { //loop through and group 404s

			if ( isset( $table_data[ $item['log_url'] ] ) ) {

				$table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['id']         = $item['log_id'];
				$table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['count']      = $table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['count'] + 1;
				$table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['last_time']  = strtotime( $table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['last_time'] ) > strtotime( $item['log_date'] ) ? $table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['last_time'] : sanitize_text_field( $item['log_date'] );
				$table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['first_time'] = strtotime( $table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['first_time'] ) < strtotime( $item['log_date'] ) ? $table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['first_time'] : sanitize_text_field( $item['log_date'] );
				$table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['uri']        = sanitize_text_field( $item['log_url'] );

			} else {

				$table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['id']         = $item['log_id'];
				$table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['count']      = 1;
				$table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['last_time']  = sanitize_text_field( $item['log_date'] );
				$table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['first_time'] = sanitize_text_field( $item['log_date'] );
				$table_data[ $item['log_url'] ]['uri']        = sanitize_text_field( $item['log_url'] );



		usort( $table_data, array( $this, 'sortrows' ) );

		$per_page     = 20; //20 items per page
		$current_page = $this->get_pagenum();
		$total_items  = count( $table_data );

		$table_data = array_slice( $table_data, ( ( $current_page - 1 ) * $per_page ), $per_page );

		$this->items = $table_data;

				'total_items' => $total_items,
				'per_page'    => $per_page,
				'total_pages' => ceil( $total_items / $per_page )


	 * Sorts rows by count in descending order
	 * @param array $a first array to compare
	 * @param array $b second array to compare
	 * @return int comparison result
	function sortrows( $a, $b ) {

		// If no sort, default to count
		$orderby = ( ! empty( $_GET['orderby'] ) ) ? esc_attr( $_GET['orderby'] ) : 'last_time';

		// If no order, default to desc
		$order = ( ! empty( $_GET['order'] ) ) ? esc_attr( $_GET['order'] ) : 'desc';

		if ( $orderby == 'count' ) {

			if ( intval( $a[ $orderby ] ) < intval( $b[ $orderby ] ) ) {
				$result = - 1;
			} elseif ( intval( $a[ $orderby ] ) === intval( $b[ $orderby ] ) ) {
				$result = 0;
			} else {
				$result = 1;

		} else {

			// Determine sort order
			$result = strcmp( $a[ $orderby ], $b[ $orderby ] );


		// Send final sort direction to usort
		return ( $order === 'asc' ) ? $result : - $result;

