Commit 0488ae61 authored by Vasyl Bodnaruk's avatar Vasyl Bodnaruk

Protect db from SQL injection

parent c3c8d3c2
......@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ class NewsUpdater:
return json.dumps(tags)
def update_news(self, query):
def update_news(self, query, data):
self.db.update(query, data)
# this bad way
def update_all_tags(self):
......@@ -38,16 +38,17 @@ class NewsUpdater:
text = self.load_text(i[1])
tags = self.get_tags(text)
self.update_news('update wp_esi_news_accept set tags_id="{}" where id={}'.format(tags, i[0]))
self.update_news('update wp_esi_news_accept set tags_id="%s" where id=%s', (tags, i[0]))
print('News id={} was updated'.format(i[0]))
except BaseException as e:
def update_all_text(self):
for i in self.select_news('select id, url from wp_esi_news_accept where id>26500'):
for i in self.select_news('select id, url from wp_esi_news_accept'):
# try:
text = self.load_text(i[1])
self.update_news('update wp_esi_news_accept set text="{}" where id={}'.format(str(text.encode('ascii', 'ignore')), i[0]))
data = (text.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), i[0])
self.update_news('update wp_esi_news_accept set text="%s" where id=%s', data)
print('News id={} was updated'.format(i[0]))
# except BaseException as e:
# print(e.with_traceback())
......@@ -55,4 +56,4 @@ class NewsUpdater:
if __name__ == '__main__':
ml = NewsUpdater()
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