<?php if((!$this->repository_has_subscription($repository_id) && $match = $this->get_matching_cp($repository)) && $match['exp']): ?> <p class="alignright installer_highlight"><strong><?php printf('Price offers available until %s', date_i18n(get_option( 'date_format' ), $match['exp'])) ?></strong></p> <?php endif; ?> <h3 id="repository-<?php echo $repository_id ?>"><?php echo $repository['data']['name'] ?></h3> <?php $generic_product_name = $this->settings['repositories'][$repository_id]['data']['product-name']; ?> <table class="widefat otgs_wp_installer_table" id="installer_repo_<?php echo $repository_id ?>"> <tr> <td> </td> <td class="otgsi_register_product_wrap" align="center" valign="top"> <?php // IF NO SUBSCRIPTION ?> <?php if(!$this->repository_has_subscription($repository_id)): ?> <div style="text-align: right;"> <span><?php _e('Already bought?', 'installer'); ?> </span> <a class="enter_site_key_js button-primary" href="#"><?php printf(__('Register %s', 'installer'), $generic_product_name); ?></a> <form class="otgsi_site_key_form" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save_site_key" /> <input type="hidden" name="nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('save_site_key_' . $repository_id) ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="repository_id" value="<?php echo $repository_id ?>"> <?php _e('2. Enter your site key', 'installer'); ?> <input type="text" size="10" name="site_key_<?php echo $repository_id ?>" placeholder="<?php echo esc_attr('site key') ?>" /> <input class="button-primary" type="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e('OK', 'installer') ?>" /> <input class="button-secondary cancel_site_key_js" type="button" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Cancel', 'installer') ?>" /> <div class="alignleft" style="margin-top:6px;"><?php printf(__('1. Go to your %s%s account%s and add this site URL: %s', 'installer'), '<a href="' . $this->settings['repositories'][$repository_id]['data']['site_keys_management_url'] . '?add='.urlencode($this->get_installer_site_url( $repository_id )).'">', $generic_product_name, '</a>', $this->get_installer_site_url( $repository_id )); ?></div> </form> </div> <?php $site_key = false; // IF SUBSCRIPTION else: $site_key = $this->settings['repositories'][$repository_id]['subscription']['key']; $subscription_type = $this->get_subscription_type_for_repository($repository_id); $upgrade_options = $this->get_upgrade_options($repository_id); $expired = false; ?> <?php if($this->repository_has_expired_subscription($repository_id)): $expired = true; ?> <div> <p class="installer-warn-box"> <?php _e('Subscription expired. You need to either purchase a new subscription or upgrade if available.', 'installer') ?> <span class="alignright"> <a class="update_site_key_js button-secondary" href="#" data-repository=<?php echo $repository_id ?> data-nonce="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('update_site_key_' . $repository_id) ?>"> <?php _e('Revalidate subscription', 'installer'); ?> </a> </span> <br /> <span class="details"><?php _e("If you have already purchased or renewed your subscription and you can still see this message, please revalidate your subscription", 'installer') ?></span> </p> </div> <?php else: ?> <?php $this->show_subscription_renew_warning($repository_id, $subscription_type); ?> <?php endif; ?> <div class="alignright"> <a class="remove_site_key_js button-secondary" href="#" data-repository=<?php echo $repository_id ?> data-confirmation="<?php esc_attr_e('Are you sure you want to unregister?', 'installer') ?>" data-nonce="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('remove_site_key_' . $repository_id) ?>"><?php printf(__("Unregister %s from this site", 'installer'), $generic_product_name) ?></a> <a class="update_site_key_js button-secondary" href="#" data-repository=<?php echo $repository_id ?> data-nonce="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('update_site_key_' . $repository_id) ?>"> <?php _e('Check for updates', 'installer'); ?> </a> </div> <?php if(empty($expired)): ?> <div class="alignleft"> <?php if($expires = $this->settings['repositories'][$repository_id]['subscription']['data']->expires): ?> <?php printf(__('%s is registered on this site. You will receive automatic updates until %s', 'installer'), $generic_product_name, date_i18n('F j, Y', strtotime($expires))); ?> <?php else: ?> <?php printf(__('%s is registered on this site. Your Lifetime account gives you updates for life.', 'installer'), $generic_product_name); ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endif; //if(empty($expired)) ?> <?php endif; // if(!repository_has_subscription) ?> <br clear="all" /> <div class="installer-error-box hidden"></div> </td> </tr> <?php $subscription_type = isset($subscription_type) ? $subscription_type : null; $expired = isset($expired) ? $expired : null; $upgrade_options = isset($upgrade_options) ? $upgrade_options : null; $packages = $this->_render_product_packages($repository['data']['packages'], $subscription_type, $expired, $upgrade_options, $repository_id); if(empty($subscription_type) || $expired){ $subpackages_expandable = true; }else{ $subpackages_expandable = false; } ?> <?php foreach($packages as $package): ?> <tr id="repository-<?php echo $repository_id ?>_<?php echo $package['id'] ?>"> <td><img width="140" height="140" src="<?php echo $package['image_url'] ?>" /></td> <td> <p><strong><?php echo $package['name'] ?></strong></p> <p><?php echo $package['description'] ?></p> <?php if($package['products']): ?> <?php foreach($package['products'] as $product): ?> <ul class="installer-products-list" style="display:inline"> <li> <a class="button-secondary" href="<?php echo $product['url'] ?>"><?php echo $product['label'] ?></a> </li> </ul> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($package['downloads']): ?> <?php include $this->plugin_path() . '/templates/downloads-list.php'; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(!empty($package['sub-packages'])): ?> <?php $subpackages = $this->_render_product_packages($package['sub-packages'], $subscription_type, $expired, $upgrade_options, $repository_id); ?> <?php if($subpackages): ?> <?php if($subpackages_expandable): ?> <h5><a class="installer_expand_button" href="#" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Click to see individual components options.', 'installer') ?>"><?php _e('Individual components', 'installer') ?></a></h5> <?php endif; ?> <table class="otgs_wp_installer_subtable" style="<?php if($subpackages_expandable) echo 'display:none' ?>"> <?php foreach($subpackages as $package): ?> <tr id="repository-<?php echo $repository_id ?>_<?php echo $package['id'] ?>"> <td><img width="70" height="70" src="<?php echo $package['image_url'] ?>" /></td> <td> <p><strong><?php echo $package['name'] ?></strong></p> <p><?php echo $package['description'] ?></p> <?php if($package['products']): ?> <?php foreach($package['products'] as $product): ?> <ul class="installer-products-list" style="display:inline"> <li> <a class="button-secondary" href="<?php echo $product['url'] ?>"><?php echo $product['label'] ?></a> </li> </ul> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($package['downloads']): ?> <?php include $this->plugin_path() . '/templates/downloads-list.php'; ?> <?php endif; ?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table> <p><i><?php printf(__('This page lets you install plugins and update existing plugins. To remove any of these plugins, go to the %splugins%s page and if you have the permission to remove plugins you should be able to do this.', 'installer'), '<a href="' . admin_url('plugins.php') . '">' , '</a>'); ?></i></p> <br />