-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 4.2.12deb2+deb8u2 -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net -- -- Хост: localhost -- Час створення: Трв 24 2017 р., 17:04 -- Версія сервера: 5.5.54-0+deb8u1 -- Версія PHP: 5.6.29-0+deb8u1 SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; -- -- База даних: `esi` -- -- -- Дамп даних таблиці `wp_esi_news_accept` -- INSERT INTO `wp_esi_news_accept` (`id`, `title`, `url`, `description`, `media_id`, `type_id`, `region_id`, `post_id`, `publish_date`, `record_date`, `company_id`, `is_accepted`) VALUES (1, 'Blue Cross Blue Shield Association taps Lyft for nationwide ride-sharing program', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/blue-cross-blue-shield-association-taps-lyft-nationwide-ride-sharing-program', 'From cost and coverage to time and convenience, there are many factors that can hinder healthcare access. And for an estimated 3.6 million Americans, the main obstacle in getting to their medical appointments involves an engine and a set of wheels. In effort to reduce the number of missed or delayed doctor’s appointments that are attributed to a lack of dependable transportation options, Blue...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-05-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (2, 'Digital health news briefs for 3/7/2017', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/digital-health-news-briefs-372017', 'Uber has made digital health news several times for partnering with healthcare organizations to provide transportation for patients. In fact, they announced a partnership with an NHS trust along those lines just yesterday. But in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, the company has a different kind of digital health partnership. The company has partnered with mobile medical app AlTibbi to make...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-07 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (3, 'Uber tapped by NHS for on-demand caregiver/patient transportation, and more digital health deals', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-tapped-nhs-demand-caregiverpatient-transportation-and-more-digital-health-deals', 'By way of a contract with UK-based healthcare startup Cera, Uber will help facilitate faster patient care to those in England''s National Health Service system by providing on-demand transportation for caregivers and patients between hospitals and homes. Cera originally launched the caregiver-patient matching service in November with a few smaller clinical organizations, and Uber acts as the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-06 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (4, 'Following MedStar partnership, Uber hires new team to work with providers', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/following-medstar-partnership-uber-hires-new-team-work-providers', 'Uber continues to see healthcare as a major area for growth, according to Lindsay Elin, head of Federal and Community Affairs at Uber. At a panel at the Connected Health Conference in Washington, DC today, Elin spoke about a partnership with health system MedStar (whose director of consumer health initiatives, Pete Celano, also attended), a new team of employees dedicated to health, and the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-12-12 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (5, 'Circulation, a startup that helps hospitals use Uber for medical transportation, gets seed investment', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/circulation-startup-helps-hospitals-use-uber-medical-transportation-gets-seed-investment', 'Circulation, a startup using Uber''s technology to facilitate non-emergency medical transportation, has secured an undisclosed seed investment from Flare Capital. Last month the startup, whose founding team includes Boston Children''s Hospital CIO John Brownstein, announced its partnership with Uber as the ridesharing company''s "preferred healthcare partner." In addition to Brownstein, the company''...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-10-13 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (6, 'Uber, Lyft gear up to help get patients clinical trial sites', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-lyft-gear-help-get-patients-clinical-trial-sites', 'If you were to make a list of companies you''d expect to see at a clinical trial-focused health technology conference like DPharm Disruptive Innovation US, you probably wouldn''t include ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft. But they were both in attendance in Boston today, presenting remarkably similar visions for using their software platforms to solve transportation problems in healthcare. "Why...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-09-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (7, 'Accenture''s top five digital health trends for 2016', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/accentures-top-five-digital-health-trends-2016', 'Accenture held a webcast today diving into five trends the consulting firm has identified as major driving forces right now in digital health. Report author and Senior Global Managing Director for Accenture Health Dr. Kaveh Safavi was joined by health economist and blogger Jane Sarasohn-Kahn to discuss the five trends. The first trend, "Intelligent Automation", covers a range of tools that...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-06-28 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (8, 'With slew of partnerships, Uber rolls up to healthcare space', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/48727/with-slew-of-partnerships-uber-rolls-up-to-healthcare-space', 'With every new innovator in digital health, it seems like there''s a temptation to crown an "Uber for Health" that will disrupt the industry in a radical consumer-facing way. But lately, it looks like Uber itself might be interested in that title. Over the last week, Uber has collaborated with three different digital health companies and named Boston Children''s Hospital''s John Brownstein its first...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-11-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (9, 'What does it mean to own your health data?', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/46638/what-does-it-mean-to-own-your-health-data', ' In Topol and Kish''s formulation, individual health data will feed into big data breakthroughs. "Give me my damn data" has been a refrain among e-patients for many years. But what does it really mean to own data? That''s a much larger question that Scripps Health Chief Academic Officer Dr. Eric Topol and Leonard Kish, Topol''s co-founder at unpatient.org, have tackled the question in an op-ed...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-09-09 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (10, 'Why what works for Uber may not work for medical apps', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45826/why-what-works-for-uber-may-not-work-for-medical-apps', 'By Bradley Merrill Thompson Healthcare in America needs disrupting. The media has widely reported on the high cost of, and poor outcomes produced by, the US health care system. Fortunately, attracted by possible profit in a market that currently constitutes over 17 percent of GDP, quite a few startups are anxious to do the needed disrupting. Indeed, innovators from many places outside of...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-08-05 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (11, 'AARP study, White House panel weigh in on how to make tech accessible for seniors', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45308/aarp-study-white-house-panel-weigh-in-on-how-to-make-tech-accessible-for-seniors', ' President Obama addresses the White House Conference on Aging. Yesterday, celebrating 50 years of Medicare and 80 years of Social Security, the White House hosted its Conference on Aging. At a panel during the summit, experts discussed how to make technology accessible to seniors. A study on that same topic was released by AARP today. "We choose to do big things here in America," President...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-07-14 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (12, 'Five ways a Boston Children''s Hospital spin-off is using social media for public health', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/42072/five-ways-a-boston-childrens-hospital-spin-off-is-using-social-media-for-public-health', 'John Brownstein''s Computational Epidemiology Group at Boston Children’s Hospital has received attention in the past for its efforts to use data streams from social media, along with publicly available data from the government, to predict outbreaks of disease. Under Brownstein''s directorship, the team has mined Yelp for the foods most likely to cause food poisoning, helped aggregate data about the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-04-02 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (13, 'Pager gets $10.4M to take its house call app out of New York', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/41227/pager-gets-10-4m-to-take-its-house-call-app-out-of-new-york', 'Pager, which offers an app consumers can use to request in-person physician house calls, has raised $10.4 million according to VentureBeat. The round was put up by existing seed investors Lux Capital and Montage Ventures, and new investors Goodwater Capital and Summation Health Ventures. New York City-based Pager, which launched last May, is one of many startups to have called itself an “Uber for...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-03-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-23 00:00:00', 3, 0), (14, 'Blue Cross Blue Shield Association taps Lyft for nationwide ride-sharing program', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/blue-cross-blue-shield-association-taps-lyft-nationwide-ride-sharing-program', 'From cost and coverage to time and convenience, there are many factors that can hinder healthcare access. And for an estimated 3.6 million Americans, the main obstacle in getting to their medical appointments involves an engine and a set of wheels. In effort to reduce the number of missed or delayed doctor’s appointments that are attributed to a lack of dependable transportation options, Blue...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-05-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (15, 'Digital health news briefs for 3/7/2017', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/digital-health-news-briefs-372017', 'Uber has made digital health news several times for partnering with healthcare organizations to provide transportation for patients. In fact, they announced a partnership with an NHS trust along those lines just yesterday. But in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, the company has a different kind of digital health partnership. The company has partnered with mobile medical app AlTibbi to make...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-07 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (16, 'Uber tapped by NHS for on-demand caregiver/patient transportation, and more digital health deals', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-tapped-nhs-demand-caregiverpatient-transportation-and-more-digital-health-deals', 'By way of a contract with UK-based healthcare startup Cera, Uber will help facilitate faster patient care to those in England''s National Health Service system by providing on-demand transportation for caregivers and patients between hospitals and homes. Cera originally launched the caregiver-patient matching service in November with a few smaller clinical organizations, and Uber acts as the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-06 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (17, 'Following MedStar partnership, Uber hires new team to work with providers', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/following-medstar-partnership-uber-hires-new-team-work-providers', 'Uber continues to see healthcare as a major area for growth, according to Lindsay Elin, head of Federal and Community Affairs at Uber. At a panel at the Connected Health Conference in Washington, DC today, Elin spoke about a partnership with health system MedStar (whose director of consumer health initiatives, Pete Celano, also attended), a new team of employees dedicated to health, and the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-12-12 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (18, 'Circulation, a startup that helps hospitals use Uber for medical transportation, gets seed investment', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/circulation-startup-helps-hospitals-use-uber-medical-transportation-gets-seed-investment', 'Circulation, a startup using Uber''s technology to facilitate non-emergency medical transportation, has secured an undisclosed seed investment from Flare Capital. Last month the startup, whose founding team includes Boston Children''s Hospital CIO John Brownstein, announced its partnership with Uber as the ridesharing company''s "preferred healthcare partner." In addition to Brownstein, the company''...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-10-13 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (19, 'Uber, Lyft gear up to help get patients clinical trial sites', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-lyft-gear-help-get-patients-clinical-trial-sites', 'If you were to make a list of companies you''d expect to see at a clinical trial-focused health technology conference like DPharm Disruptive Innovation US, you probably wouldn''t include ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft. But they were both in attendance in Boston today, presenting remarkably similar visions for using their software platforms to solve transportation problems in healthcare. "Why...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-09-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (20, 'Accenture''s top five digital health trends for 2016', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/accentures-top-five-digital-health-trends-2016', 'Accenture held a webcast today diving into five trends the consulting firm has identified as major driving forces right now in digital health. Report author and Senior Global Managing Director for Accenture Health Dr. Kaveh Safavi was joined by health economist and blogger Jane Sarasohn-Kahn to discuss the five trends. The first trend, "Intelligent Automation", covers a range of tools that...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-06-28 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (21, 'With slew of partnerships, Uber rolls up to healthcare space', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/48727/with-slew-of-partnerships-uber-rolls-up-to-healthcare-space', 'With every new innovator in digital health, it seems like there''s a temptation to crown an "Uber for Health" that will disrupt the industry in a radical consumer-facing way. But lately, it looks like Uber itself might be interested in that title. Over the last week, Uber has collaborated with three different digital health companies and named Boston Children''s Hospital''s John Brownstein its first...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-11-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (22, 'What does it mean to own your health data?', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/46638/what-does-it-mean-to-own-your-health-data', ' In Topol and Kish''s formulation, individual health data will feed into big data breakthroughs. "Give me my damn data" has been a refrain among e-patients for many years. But what does it really mean to own data? That''s a much larger question that Scripps Health Chief Academic Officer Dr. Eric Topol and Leonard Kish, Topol''s co-founder at unpatient.org, have tackled the question in an op-ed...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-09-09 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (23, 'Why what works for Uber may not work for medical apps', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45826/why-what-works-for-uber-may-not-work-for-medical-apps', 'By Bradley Merrill Thompson Healthcare in America needs disrupting. The media has widely reported on the high cost of, and poor outcomes produced by, the US health care system. Fortunately, attracted by possible profit in a market that currently constitutes over 17 percent of GDP, quite a few startups are anxious to do the needed disrupting. Indeed, innovators from many places outside of...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-08-05 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (24, 'AARP study, White House panel weigh in on how to make tech accessible for seniors', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45308/aarp-study-white-house-panel-weigh-in-on-how-to-make-tech-accessible-for-seniors', ' President Obama addresses the White House Conference on Aging. Yesterday, celebrating 50 years of Medicare and 80 years of Social Security, the White House hosted its Conference on Aging. At a panel during the summit, experts discussed how to make technology accessible to seniors. A study on that same topic was released by AARP today. "We choose to do big things here in America," President...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-07-14 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (25, 'Five ways a Boston Children''s Hospital spin-off is using social media for public health', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/42072/five-ways-a-boston-childrens-hospital-spin-off-is-using-social-media-for-public-health', 'John Brownstein''s Computational Epidemiology Group at Boston Children’s Hospital has received attention in the past for its efforts to use data streams from social media, along with publicly available data from the government, to predict outbreaks of disease. Under Brownstein''s directorship, the team has mined Yelp for the foods most likely to cause food poisoning, helped aggregate data about the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-04-02 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (26, 'Pager gets $10.4M to take its house call app out of New York', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/41227/pager-gets-10-4m-to-take-its-house-call-app-out-of-new-york', 'Pager, which offers an app consumers can use to request in-person physician house calls, has raised $10.4 million according to VentureBeat. The round was put up by existing seed investors Lux Capital and Montage Ventures, and new investors Goodwater Capital and Summation Health Ventures. New York City-based Pager, which launched last May, is one of many startups to have called itself an “Uber for...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-03-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (27, 'Blue Cross Blue Shield Association taps Lyft for nationwide ride-sharing program', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/blue-cross-blue-shield-association-taps-lyft-nationwide-ride-sharing-program', 'From cost and coverage to time and convenience, there are many factors that can hinder healthcare access. And for an estimated 3.6 million Americans, the main obstacle in getting to their medical appointments involves an engine and a set of wheels. In effort to reduce the number of missed or delayed doctor’s appointments that are attributed to a lack of dependable transportation options, Blue...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-05-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (28, 'Digital health news briefs for 3/7/2017', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/digital-health-news-briefs-372017', 'Uber has made digital health news several times for partnering with healthcare organizations to provide transportation for patients. In fact, they announced a partnership with an NHS trust along those lines just yesterday. But in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, the company has a different kind of digital health partnership. The company has partnered with mobile medical app AlTibbi to make...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-07 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (29, 'Uber tapped by NHS for on-demand caregiver/patient transportation, and more digital health deals', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-tapped-nhs-demand-caregiverpatient-transportation-and-more-digital-health-deals', 'By way of a contract with UK-based healthcare startup Cera, Uber will help facilitate faster patient care to those in England''s National Health Service system by providing on-demand transportation for caregivers and patients between hospitals and homes. Cera originally launched the caregiver-patient matching service in November with a few smaller clinical organizations, and Uber acts as the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-06 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (30, 'Following MedStar partnership, Uber hires new team to work with providers', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/following-medstar-partnership-uber-hires-new-team-work-providers', 'Uber continues to see healthcare as a major area for growth, according to Lindsay Elin, head of Federal and Community Affairs at Uber. At a panel at the Connected Health Conference in Washington, DC today, Elin spoke about a partnership with health system MedStar (whose director of consumer health initiatives, Pete Celano, also attended), a new team of employees dedicated to health, and the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-12-12 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (31, 'Circulation, a startup that helps hospitals use Uber for medical transportation, gets seed investment', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/circulation-startup-helps-hospitals-use-uber-medical-transportation-gets-seed-investment', 'Circulation, a startup using Uber''s technology to facilitate non-emergency medical transportation, has secured an undisclosed seed investment from Flare Capital. Last month the startup, whose founding team includes Boston Children''s Hospital CIO John Brownstein, announced its partnership with Uber as the ridesharing company''s "preferred healthcare partner." In addition to Brownstein, the company''...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-10-13 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (32, 'Uber, Lyft gear up to help get patients clinical trial sites', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-lyft-gear-help-get-patients-clinical-trial-sites', 'If you were to make a list of companies you''d expect to see at a clinical trial-focused health technology conference like DPharm Disruptive Innovation US, you probably wouldn''t include ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft. But they were both in attendance in Boston today, presenting remarkably similar visions for using their software platforms to solve transportation problems in healthcare. "Why...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-09-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (33, 'Accenture''s top five digital health trends for 2016', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/accentures-top-five-digital-health-trends-2016', 'Accenture held a webcast today diving into five trends the consulting firm has identified as major driving forces right now in digital health. Report author and Senior Global Managing Director for Accenture Health Dr. Kaveh Safavi was joined by health economist and blogger Jane Sarasohn-Kahn to discuss the five trends. The first trend, "Intelligent Automation", covers a range of tools that...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-06-28 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (34, 'With slew of partnerships, Uber rolls up to healthcare space', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/48727/with-slew-of-partnerships-uber-rolls-up-to-healthcare-space', 'With every new innovator in digital health, it seems like there''s a temptation to crown an "Uber for Health" that will disrupt the industry in a radical consumer-facing way. But lately, it looks like Uber itself might be interested in that title. Over the last week, Uber has collaborated with three different digital health companies and named Boston Children''s Hospital''s John Brownstein its first...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-11-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (35, 'What does it mean to own your health data?', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/46638/what-does-it-mean-to-own-your-health-data', ' In Topol and Kish''s formulation, individual health data will feed into big data breakthroughs. "Give me my damn data" has been a refrain among e-patients for many years. But what does it really mean to own data? That''s a much larger question that Scripps Health Chief Academic Officer Dr. Eric Topol and Leonard Kish, Topol''s co-founder at unpatient.org, have tackled the question in an op-ed...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-09-09 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (36, 'Why what works for Uber may not work for medical apps', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45826/why-what-works-for-uber-may-not-work-for-medical-apps', 'By Bradley Merrill Thompson Healthcare in America needs disrupting. The media has widely reported on the high cost of, and poor outcomes produced by, the US health care system. Fortunately, attracted by possible profit in a market that currently constitutes over 17 percent of GDP, quite a few startups are anxious to do the needed disrupting. Indeed, innovators from many places outside of...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-08-05 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (37, 'AARP study, White House panel weigh in on how to make tech accessible for seniors', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45308/aarp-study-white-house-panel-weigh-in-on-how-to-make-tech-accessible-for-seniors', ' President Obama addresses the White House Conference on Aging. Yesterday, celebrating 50 years of Medicare and 80 years of Social Security, the White House hosted its Conference on Aging. At a panel during the summit, experts discussed how to make technology accessible to seniors. A study on that same topic was released by AARP today. "We choose to do big things here in America," President...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-07-14 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (38, 'Five ways a Boston Children''s Hospital spin-off is using social media for public health', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/42072/five-ways-a-boston-childrens-hospital-spin-off-is-using-social-media-for-public-health', 'John Brownstein''s Computational Epidemiology Group at Boston Children’s Hospital has received attention in the past for its efforts to use data streams from social media, along with publicly available data from the government, to predict outbreaks of disease. Under Brownstein''s directorship, the team has mined Yelp for the foods most likely to cause food poisoning, helped aggregate data about the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-04-02 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (39, 'Pager gets $10.4M to take its house call app out of New York', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/41227/pager-gets-10-4m-to-take-its-house-call-app-out-of-new-york', 'Pager, which offers an app consumers can use to request in-person physician house calls, has raised $10.4 million according to VentureBeat. The round was put up by existing seed investors Lux Capital and Montage Ventures, and new investors Goodwater Capital and Summation Health Ventures. New York City-based Pager, which launched last May, is one of many startups to have called itself an “Uber for...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-03-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (40, 'Blue Cross Blue Shield Association taps Lyft for nationwide ride-sharing program', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/blue-cross-blue-shield-association-taps-lyft-nationwide-ride-sharing-program', 'From cost and coverage to time and convenience, there are many factors that can hinder healthcare access. And for an estimated 3.6 million Americans, the main obstacle in getting to their medical appointments involves an engine and a set of wheels. In effort to reduce the number of missed or delayed doctor’s appointments that are attributed to a lack of dependable transportation options, Blue...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-05-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (41, 'Digital health news briefs for 3/7/2017', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/digital-health-news-briefs-372017', 'Uber has made digital health news several times for partnering with healthcare organizations to provide transportation for patients. In fact, they announced a partnership with an NHS trust along those lines just yesterday. But in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, the company has a different kind of digital health partnership. The company has partnered with mobile medical app AlTibbi to make...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-07 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (42, 'Uber tapped by NHS for on-demand caregiver/patient transportation, and more digital health deals', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-tapped-nhs-demand-caregiverpatient-transportation-and-more-digital-health-deals', 'By way of a contract with UK-based healthcare startup Cera, Uber will help facilitate faster patient care to those in England''s National Health Service system by providing on-demand transportation for caregivers and patients between hospitals and homes. Cera originally launched the caregiver-patient matching service in November with a few smaller clinical organizations, and Uber acts as the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-06 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (43, 'Following MedStar partnership, Uber hires new team to work with providers', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/following-medstar-partnership-uber-hires-new-team-work-providers', 'Uber continues to see healthcare as a major area for growth, according to Lindsay Elin, head of Federal and Community Affairs at Uber. At a panel at the Connected Health Conference in Washington, DC today, Elin spoke about a partnership with health system MedStar (whose director of consumer health initiatives, Pete Celano, also attended), a new team of employees dedicated to health, and the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-12-12 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (44, 'Circulation, a startup that helps hospitals use Uber for medical transportation, gets seed investment', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/circulation-startup-helps-hospitals-use-uber-medical-transportation-gets-seed-investment', 'Circulation, a startup using Uber''s technology to facilitate non-emergency medical transportation, has secured an undisclosed seed investment from Flare Capital. Last month the startup, whose founding team includes Boston Children''s Hospital CIO John Brownstein, announced its partnership with Uber as the ridesharing company''s "preferred healthcare partner." In addition to Brownstein, the company''...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-10-13 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (45, 'Uber, Lyft gear up to help get patients clinical trial sites', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-lyft-gear-help-get-patients-clinical-trial-sites', 'If you were to make a list of companies you''d expect to see at a clinical trial-focused health technology conference like DPharm Disruptive Innovation US, you probably wouldn''t include ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft. But they were both in attendance in Boston today, presenting remarkably similar visions for using their software platforms to solve transportation problems in healthcare. "Why...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-09-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (46, 'Accenture''s top five digital health trends for 2016', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/accentures-top-five-digital-health-trends-2016', 'Accenture held a webcast today diving into five trends the consulting firm has identified as major driving forces right now in digital health. Report author and Senior Global Managing Director for Accenture Health Dr. Kaveh Safavi was joined by health economist and blogger Jane Sarasohn-Kahn to discuss the five trends. The first trend, "Intelligent Automation", covers a range of tools that...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-06-28 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (47, 'With slew of partnerships, Uber rolls up to healthcare space', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/48727/with-slew-of-partnerships-uber-rolls-up-to-healthcare-space', 'With every new innovator in digital health, it seems like there''s a temptation to crown an "Uber for Health" that will disrupt the industry in a radical consumer-facing way. But lately, it looks like Uber itself might be interested in that title. Over the last week, Uber has collaborated with three different digital health companies and named Boston Children''s Hospital''s John Brownstein its first...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-11-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (48, 'What does it mean to own your health data?', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/46638/what-does-it-mean-to-own-your-health-data', ' In Topol and Kish''s formulation, individual health data will feed into big data breakthroughs. "Give me my damn data" has been a refrain among e-patients for many years. But what does it really mean to own data? That''s a much larger question that Scripps Health Chief Academic Officer Dr. Eric Topol and Leonard Kish, Topol''s co-founder at unpatient.org, have tackled the question in an op-ed...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-09-09 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (49, 'Why what works for Uber may not work for medical apps', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45826/why-what-works-for-uber-may-not-work-for-medical-apps', 'By Bradley Merrill Thompson Healthcare in America needs disrupting. The media has widely reported on the high cost of, and poor outcomes produced by, the US health care system. Fortunately, attracted by possible profit in a market that currently constitutes over 17 percent of GDP, quite a few startups are anxious to do the needed disrupting. Indeed, innovators from many places outside of...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-08-05 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (50, 'AARP study, White House panel weigh in on how to make tech accessible for seniors', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45308/aarp-study-white-house-panel-weigh-in-on-how-to-make-tech-accessible-for-seniors', ' President Obama addresses the White House Conference on Aging. Yesterday, celebrating 50 years of Medicare and 80 years of Social Security, the White House hosted its Conference on Aging. At a panel during the summit, experts discussed how to make technology accessible to seniors. A study on that same topic was released by AARP today. "We choose to do big things here in America," President...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-07-14 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (51, 'Five ways a Boston Children''s Hospital spin-off is using social media for public health', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/42072/five-ways-a-boston-childrens-hospital-spin-off-is-using-social-media-for-public-health', 'John Brownstein''s Computational Epidemiology Group at Boston Children’s Hospital has received attention in the past for its efforts to use data streams from social media, along with publicly available data from the government, to predict outbreaks of disease. Under Brownstein''s directorship, the team has mined Yelp for the foods most likely to cause food poisoning, helped aggregate data about the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-04-02 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (52, 'Pager gets $10.4M to take its house call app out of New York', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/41227/pager-gets-10-4m-to-take-its-house-call-app-out-of-new-york', 'Pager, which offers an app consumers can use to request in-person physician house calls, has raised $10.4 million according to VentureBeat. The round was put up by existing seed investors Lux Capital and Montage Ventures, and new investors Goodwater Capital and Summation Health Ventures. New York City-based Pager, which launched last May, is one of many startups to have called itself an “Uber for...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-03-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (53, 'Blue Cross Blue Shield Association taps Lyft for nationwide ride-sharing program', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/blue-cross-blue-shield-association-taps-lyft-nationwide-ride-sharing-program', 'From cost and coverage to time and convenience, there are many factors that can hinder healthcare access. And for an estimated 3.6 million Americans, the main obstacle in getting to their medical appointments involves an engine and a set of wheels. In effort to reduce the number of missed or delayed doctor’s appointments that are attributed to a lack of dependable transportation options, Blue...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-05-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (54, 'Digital health news briefs for 3/7/2017', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/digital-health-news-briefs-372017', 'Uber has made digital health news several times for partnering with healthcare organizations to provide transportation for patients. In fact, they announced a partnership with an NHS trust along those lines just yesterday. But in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, the company has a different kind of digital health partnership. The company has partnered with mobile medical app AlTibbi to make...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-07 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (55, 'Uber tapped by NHS for on-demand caregiver/patient transportation, and more digital health deals', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-tapped-nhs-demand-caregiverpatient-transportation-and-more-digital-health-deals', 'By way of a contract with UK-based healthcare startup Cera, Uber will help facilitate faster patient care to those in England''s National Health Service system by providing on-demand transportation for caregivers and patients between hospitals and homes. Cera originally launched the caregiver-patient matching service in November with a few smaller clinical organizations, and Uber acts as the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-06 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (56, 'Following MedStar partnership, Uber hires new team to work with providers', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/following-medstar-partnership-uber-hires-new-team-work-providers', 'Uber continues to see healthcare as a major area for growth, according to Lindsay Elin, head of Federal and Community Affairs at Uber. At a panel at the Connected Health Conference in Washington, DC today, Elin spoke about a partnership with health system MedStar (whose director of consumer health initiatives, Pete Celano, also attended), a new team of employees dedicated to health, and the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-12-12 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (57, 'Circulation, a startup that helps hospitals use Uber for medical transportation, gets seed investment', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/circulation-startup-helps-hospitals-use-uber-medical-transportation-gets-seed-investment', 'Circulation, a startup using Uber''s technology to facilitate non-emergency medical transportation, has secured an undisclosed seed investment from Flare Capital. Last month the startup, whose founding team includes Boston Children''s Hospital CIO John Brownstein, announced its partnership with Uber as the ridesharing company''s "preferred healthcare partner." In addition to Brownstein, the company''...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-10-13 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (58, 'Uber, Lyft gear up to help get patients clinical trial sites', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-lyft-gear-help-get-patients-clinical-trial-sites', 'If you were to make a list of companies you''d expect to see at a clinical trial-focused health technology conference like DPharm Disruptive Innovation US, you probably wouldn''t include ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft. But they were both in attendance in Boston today, presenting remarkably similar visions for using their software platforms to solve transportation problems in healthcare. "Why...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-09-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (59, 'Accenture''s top five digital health trends for 2016', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/accentures-top-five-digital-health-trends-2016', 'Accenture held a webcast today diving into five trends the consulting firm has identified as major driving forces right now in digital health. Report author and Senior Global Managing Director for Accenture Health Dr. Kaveh Safavi was joined by health economist and blogger Jane Sarasohn-Kahn to discuss the five trends. The first trend, "Intelligent Automation", covers a range of tools that...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-06-28 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (60, 'With slew of partnerships, Uber rolls up to healthcare space', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/48727/with-slew-of-partnerships-uber-rolls-up-to-healthcare-space', 'With every new innovator in digital health, it seems like there''s a temptation to crown an "Uber for Health" that will disrupt the industry in a radical consumer-facing way. But lately, it looks like Uber itself might be interested in that title. Over the last week, Uber has collaborated with three different digital health companies and named Boston Children''s Hospital''s John Brownstein its first...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-11-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (61, 'What does it mean to own your health data?', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/46638/what-does-it-mean-to-own-your-health-data', ' In Topol and Kish''s formulation, individual health data will feed into big data breakthroughs. "Give me my damn data" has been a refrain among e-patients for many years. But what does it really mean to own data? That''s a much larger question that Scripps Health Chief Academic Officer Dr. Eric Topol and Leonard Kish, Topol''s co-founder at unpatient.org, have tackled the question in an op-ed...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-09-09 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (62, 'Why what works for Uber may not work for medical apps', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45826/why-what-works-for-uber-may-not-work-for-medical-apps', 'By Bradley Merrill Thompson Healthcare in America needs disrupting. The media has widely reported on the high cost of, and poor outcomes produced by, the US health care system. Fortunately, attracted by possible profit in a market that currently constitutes over 17 percent of GDP, quite a few startups are anxious to do the needed disrupting. Indeed, innovators from many places outside of...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-08-05 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (63, 'AARP study, White House panel weigh in on how to make tech accessible for seniors', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45308/aarp-study-white-house-panel-weigh-in-on-how-to-make-tech-accessible-for-seniors', ' President Obama addresses the White House Conference on Aging. Yesterday, celebrating 50 years of Medicare and 80 years of Social Security, the White House hosted its Conference on Aging. At a panel during the summit, experts discussed how to make technology accessible to seniors. A study on that same topic was released by AARP today. "We choose to do big things here in America," President...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-07-14 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (64, 'Five ways a Boston Children''s Hospital spin-off is using social media for public health', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/42072/five-ways-a-boston-childrens-hospital-spin-off-is-using-social-media-for-public-health', 'John Brownstein''s Computational Epidemiology Group at Boston Children’s Hospital has received attention in the past for its efforts to use data streams from social media, along with publicly available data from the government, to predict outbreaks of disease. Under Brownstein''s directorship, the team has mined Yelp for the foods most likely to cause food poisoning, helped aggregate data about the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-04-02 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (65, 'Pager gets $10.4M to take its house call app out of New York', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/41227/pager-gets-10-4m-to-take-its-house-call-app-out-of-new-york', 'Pager, which offers an app consumers can use to request in-person physician house calls, has raised $10.4 million according to VentureBeat. The round was put up by existing seed investors Lux Capital and Montage Ventures, and new investors Goodwater Capital and Summation Health Ventures. New York City-based Pager, which launched last May, is one of many startups to have called itself an “Uber for...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-03-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (66, 'Blue Cross Blue Shield Association taps Lyft for nationwide ride-sharing program', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/blue-cross-blue-shield-association-taps-lyft-nationwide-ride-sharing-program', 'From cost and coverage to time and convenience, there are many factors that can hinder healthcare access. And for an estimated 3.6 million Americans, the main obstacle in getting to their medical appointments involves an engine and a set of wheels. In effort to reduce the number of missed or delayed doctor’s appointments that are attributed to a lack of dependable transportation options, Blue...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-05-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (67, 'Digital health news briefs for 3/7/2017', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/digital-health-news-briefs-372017', 'Uber has made digital health news several times for partnering with healthcare organizations to provide transportation for patients. In fact, they announced a partnership with an NHS trust along those lines just yesterday. But in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, the company has a different kind of digital health partnership. The company has partnered with mobile medical app AlTibbi to make...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-07 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (68, 'Uber tapped by NHS for on-demand caregiver/patient transportation, and more digital health deals', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-tapped-nhs-demand-caregiverpatient-transportation-and-more-digital-health-deals', 'By way of a contract with UK-based healthcare startup Cera, Uber will help facilitate faster patient care to those in England''s National Health Service system by providing on-demand transportation for caregivers and patients between hospitals and homes. Cera originally launched the caregiver-patient matching service in November with a few smaller clinical organizations, and Uber acts as the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-06 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (69, 'Following MedStar partnership, Uber hires new team to work with providers', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/following-medstar-partnership-uber-hires-new-team-work-providers', 'Uber continues to see healthcare as a major area for growth, according to Lindsay Elin, head of Federal and Community Affairs at Uber. At a panel at the Connected Health Conference in Washington, DC today, Elin spoke about a partnership with health system MedStar (whose director of consumer health initiatives, Pete Celano, also attended), a new team of employees dedicated to health, and the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-12-12 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (70, 'Circulation, a startup that helps hospitals use Uber for medical transportation, gets seed investment', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/circulation-startup-helps-hospitals-use-uber-medical-transportation-gets-seed-investment', 'Circulation, a startup using Uber''s technology to facilitate non-emergency medical transportation, has secured an undisclosed seed investment from Flare Capital. Last month the startup, whose founding team includes Boston Children''s Hospital CIO John Brownstein, announced its partnership with Uber as the ridesharing company''s "preferred healthcare partner." In addition to Brownstein, the company''...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-10-13 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (71, 'Uber, Lyft gear up to help get patients clinical trial sites', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-lyft-gear-help-get-patients-clinical-trial-sites', 'If you were to make a list of companies you''d expect to see at a clinical trial-focused health technology conference like DPharm Disruptive Innovation US, you probably wouldn''t include ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft. But they were both in attendance in Boston today, presenting remarkably similar visions for using their software platforms to solve transportation problems in healthcare. "Why...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-09-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (72, 'Accenture''s top five digital health trends for 2016', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/accentures-top-five-digital-health-trends-2016', 'Accenture held a webcast today diving into five trends the consulting firm has identified as major driving forces right now in digital health. Report author and Senior Global Managing Director for Accenture Health Dr. Kaveh Safavi was joined by health economist and blogger Jane Sarasohn-Kahn to discuss the five trends. The first trend, "Intelligent Automation", covers a range of tools that...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-06-28 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (73, 'With slew of partnerships, Uber rolls up to healthcare space', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/48727/with-slew-of-partnerships-uber-rolls-up-to-healthcare-space', 'With every new innovator in digital health, it seems like there''s a temptation to crown an "Uber for Health" that will disrupt the industry in a radical consumer-facing way. But lately, it looks like Uber itself might be interested in that title. Over the last week, Uber has collaborated with three different digital health companies and named Boston Children''s Hospital''s John Brownstein its first...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-11-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (74, 'What does it mean to own your health data?', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/46638/what-does-it-mean-to-own-your-health-data', ' In Topol and Kish''s formulation, individual health data will feed into big data breakthroughs. "Give me my damn data" has been a refrain among e-patients for many years. But what does it really mean to own data? That''s a much larger question that Scripps Health Chief Academic Officer Dr. Eric Topol and Leonard Kish, Topol''s co-founder at unpatient.org, have tackled the question in an op-ed...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-09-09 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (75, 'Why what works for Uber may not work for medical apps', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45826/why-what-works-for-uber-may-not-work-for-medical-apps', 'By Bradley Merrill Thompson Healthcare in America needs disrupting. The media has widely reported on the high cost of, and poor outcomes produced by, the US health care system. Fortunately, attracted by possible profit in a market that currently constitutes over 17 percent of GDP, quite a few startups are anxious to do the needed disrupting. Indeed, innovators from many places outside of...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-08-05 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (76, 'AARP study, White House panel weigh in on how to make tech accessible for seniors', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45308/aarp-study-white-house-panel-weigh-in-on-how-to-make-tech-accessible-for-seniors', ' President Obama addresses the White House Conference on Aging. Yesterday, celebrating 50 years of Medicare and 80 years of Social Security, the White House hosted its Conference on Aging. At a panel during the summit, experts discussed how to make technology accessible to seniors. A study on that same topic was released by AARP today. "We choose to do big things here in America," President...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-07-14 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `wp_esi_news_accept` (`id`, `title`, `url`, `description`, `media_id`, `type_id`, `region_id`, `post_id`, `publish_date`, `record_date`, `company_id`, `is_accepted`) VALUES (77, 'Five ways a Boston Children''s Hospital spin-off is using social media for public health', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/42072/five-ways-a-boston-childrens-hospital-spin-off-is-using-social-media-for-public-health', 'John Brownstein''s Computational Epidemiology Group at Boston Children’s Hospital has received attention in the past for its efforts to use data streams from social media, along with publicly available data from the government, to predict outbreaks of disease. Under Brownstein''s directorship, the team has mined Yelp for the foods most likely to cause food poisoning, helped aggregate data about the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-04-02 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (78, 'Pager gets $10.4M to take its house call app out of New York', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/41227/pager-gets-10-4m-to-take-its-house-call-app-out-of-new-york', 'Pager, which offers an app consumers can use to request in-person physician house calls, has raised $10.4 million according to VentureBeat. The round was put up by existing seed investors Lux Capital and Montage Ventures, and new investors Goodwater Capital and Summation Health Ventures. New York City-based Pager, which launched last May, is one of many startups to have called itself an “Uber for...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-03-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (79, 'Blue Cross Blue Shield Association taps Lyft for nationwide ride-sharing program', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/blue-cross-blue-shield-association-taps-lyft-nationwide-ride-sharing-program', 'From cost and coverage to time and convenience, there are many factors that can hinder healthcare access. And for an estimated 3.6 million Americans, the main obstacle in getting to their medical appointments involves an engine and a set of wheels. In effort to reduce the number of missed or delayed doctor’s appointments that are attributed to a lack of dependable transportation options, Blue...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-05-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (80, 'Digital health news briefs for 3/7/2017', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/digital-health-news-briefs-372017', 'Uber has made digital health news several times for partnering with healthcare organizations to provide transportation for patients. In fact, they announced a partnership with an NHS trust along those lines just yesterday. But in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, the company has a different kind of digital health partnership. The company has partnered with mobile medical app AlTibbi to make...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-07 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (81, 'Uber tapped by NHS for on-demand caregiver/patient transportation, and more digital health deals', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-tapped-nhs-demand-caregiverpatient-transportation-and-more-digital-health-deals', 'By way of a contract with UK-based healthcare startup Cera, Uber will help facilitate faster patient care to those in England''s National Health Service system by providing on-demand transportation for caregivers and patients between hospitals and homes. Cera originally launched the caregiver-patient matching service in November with a few smaller clinical organizations, and Uber acts as the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-06 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (82, 'Following MedStar partnership, Uber hires new team to work with providers', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/following-medstar-partnership-uber-hires-new-team-work-providers', 'Uber continues to see healthcare as a major area for growth, according to Lindsay Elin, head of Federal and Community Affairs at Uber. At a panel at the Connected Health Conference in Washington, DC today, Elin spoke about a partnership with health system MedStar (whose director of consumer health initiatives, Pete Celano, also attended), a new team of employees dedicated to health, and the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-12-12 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (83, 'Circulation, a startup that helps hospitals use Uber for medical transportation, gets seed investment', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/circulation-startup-helps-hospitals-use-uber-medical-transportation-gets-seed-investment', 'Circulation, a startup using Uber''s technology to facilitate non-emergency medical transportation, has secured an undisclosed seed investment from Flare Capital. Last month the startup, whose founding team includes Boston Children''s Hospital CIO John Brownstein, announced its partnership with Uber as the ridesharing company''s "preferred healthcare partner." In addition to Brownstein, the company''...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-10-13 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (84, 'Uber, Lyft gear up to help get patients clinical trial sites', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-lyft-gear-help-get-patients-clinical-trial-sites', 'If you were to make a list of companies you''d expect to see at a clinical trial-focused health technology conference like DPharm Disruptive Innovation US, you probably wouldn''t include ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft. But they were both in attendance in Boston today, presenting remarkably similar visions for using their software platforms to solve transportation problems in healthcare. "Why...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-09-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (85, 'Accenture''s top five digital health trends for 2016', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/accentures-top-five-digital-health-trends-2016', 'Accenture held a webcast today diving into five trends the consulting firm has identified as major driving forces right now in digital health. Report author and Senior Global Managing Director for Accenture Health Dr. Kaveh Safavi was joined by health economist and blogger Jane Sarasohn-Kahn to discuss the five trends. The first trend, "Intelligent Automation", covers a range of tools that...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-06-28 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (86, 'With slew of partnerships, Uber rolls up to healthcare space', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/48727/with-slew-of-partnerships-uber-rolls-up-to-healthcare-space', 'With every new innovator in digital health, it seems like there''s a temptation to crown an "Uber for Health" that will disrupt the industry in a radical consumer-facing way. But lately, it looks like Uber itself might be interested in that title. Over the last week, Uber has collaborated with three different digital health companies and named Boston Children''s Hospital''s John Brownstein its first...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-11-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (87, 'What does it mean to own your health data?', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/46638/what-does-it-mean-to-own-your-health-data', ' In Topol and Kish''s formulation, individual health data will feed into big data breakthroughs. "Give me my damn data" has been a refrain among e-patients for many years. But what does it really mean to own data? That''s a much larger question that Scripps Health Chief Academic Officer Dr. Eric Topol and Leonard Kish, Topol''s co-founder at unpatient.org, have tackled the question in an op-ed...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-09-09 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (88, 'Why what works for Uber may not work for medical apps', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45826/why-what-works-for-uber-may-not-work-for-medical-apps', 'By Bradley Merrill Thompson Healthcare in America needs disrupting. The media has widely reported on the high cost of, and poor outcomes produced by, the US health care system. Fortunately, attracted by possible profit in a market that currently constitutes over 17 percent of GDP, quite a few startups are anxious to do the needed disrupting. Indeed, innovators from many places outside of...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-08-05 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (89, 'AARP study, White House panel weigh in on how to make tech accessible for seniors', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45308/aarp-study-white-house-panel-weigh-in-on-how-to-make-tech-accessible-for-seniors', ' President Obama addresses the White House Conference on Aging. Yesterday, celebrating 50 years of Medicare and 80 years of Social Security, the White House hosted its Conference on Aging. At a panel during the summit, experts discussed how to make technology accessible to seniors. A study on that same topic was released by AARP today. "We choose to do big things here in America," President...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-07-14 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (90, 'Five ways a Boston Children''s Hospital spin-off is using social media for public health', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/42072/five-ways-a-boston-childrens-hospital-spin-off-is-using-social-media-for-public-health', 'John Brownstein''s Computational Epidemiology Group at Boston Children’s Hospital has received attention in the past for its efforts to use data streams from social media, along with publicly available data from the government, to predict outbreaks of disease. Under Brownstein''s directorship, the team has mined Yelp for the foods most likely to cause food poisoning, helped aggregate data about the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-04-02 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (91, 'Pager gets $10.4M to take its house call app out of New York', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/41227/pager-gets-10-4m-to-take-its-house-call-app-out-of-new-york', 'Pager, which offers an app consumers can use to request in-person physician house calls, has raised $10.4 million according to VentureBeat. The round was put up by existing seed investors Lux Capital and Montage Ventures, and new investors Goodwater Capital and Summation Health Ventures. New York City-based Pager, which launched last May, is one of many startups to have called itself an “Uber for...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-03-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (92, 'Blue Cross Blue Shield Association taps Lyft for nationwide ride-sharing program', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/blue-cross-blue-shield-association-taps-lyft-nationwide-ride-sharing-program', 'From cost and coverage to time and convenience, there are many factors that can hinder healthcare access. And for an estimated 3.6 million Americans, the main obstacle in getting to their medical appointments involves an engine and a set of wheels. In effort to reduce the number of missed or delayed doctor’s appointments that are attributed to a lack of dependable transportation options, Blue...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-05-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (93, 'Digital health news briefs for 3/7/2017', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/digital-health-news-briefs-372017', 'Uber has made digital health news several times for partnering with healthcare organizations to provide transportation for patients. In fact, they announced a partnership with an NHS trust along those lines just yesterday. But in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, the company has a different kind of digital health partnership. The company has partnered with mobile medical app AlTibbi to make...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-07 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (94, 'Uber tapped by NHS for on-demand caregiver/patient transportation, and more digital health deals', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-tapped-nhs-demand-caregiverpatient-transportation-and-more-digital-health-deals', 'By way of a contract with UK-based healthcare startup Cera, Uber will help facilitate faster patient care to those in England''s National Health Service system by providing on-demand transportation for caregivers and patients between hospitals and homes. Cera originally launched the caregiver-patient matching service in November with a few smaller clinical organizations, and Uber acts as the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2017-03-06 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (95, 'Following MedStar partnership, Uber hires new team to work with providers', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/following-medstar-partnership-uber-hires-new-team-work-providers', 'Uber continues to see healthcare as a major area for growth, according to Lindsay Elin, head of Federal and Community Affairs at Uber. At a panel at the Connected Health Conference in Washington, DC today, Elin spoke about a partnership with health system MedStar (whose director of consumer health initiatives, Pete Celano, also attended), a new team of employees dedicated to health, and the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-12-12 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (96, 'Circulation, a startup that helps hospitals use Uber for medical transportation, gets seed investment', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/circulation-startup-helps-hospitals-use-uber-medical-transportation-gets-seed-investment', 'Circulation, a startup using Uber''s technology to facilitate non-emergency medical transportation, has secured an undisclosed seed investment from Flare Capital. Last month the startup, whose founding team includes Boston Children''s Hospital CIO John Brownstein, announced its partnership with Uber as the ridesharing company''s "preferred healthcare partner." In addition to Brownstein, the company''...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-10-13 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (97, 'Uber, Lyft gear up to help get patients clinical trial sites', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/uber-lyft-gear-help-get-patients-clinical-trial-sites', 'If you were to make a list of companies you''d expect to see at a clinical trial-focused health technology conference like DPharm Disruptive Innovation US, you probably wouldn''t include ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft. But they were both in attendance in Boston today, presenting remarkably similar visions for using their software platforms to solve transportation problems in healthcare. "Why...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-09-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (98, 'Accenture''s top five digital health trends for 2016', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/accentures-top-five-digital-health-trends-2016', 'Accenture held a webcast today diving into five trends the consulting firm has identified as major driving forces right now in digital health. Report author and Senior Global Managing Director for Accenture Health Dr. Kaveh Safavi was joined by health economist and blogger Jane Sarasohn-Kahn to discuss the five trends. The first trend, "Intelligent Automation", covers a range of tools that...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2016-06-28 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (99, 'With slew of partnerships, Uber rolls up to healthcare space', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/48727/with-slew-of-partnerships-uber-rolls-up-to-healthcare-space', 'With every new innovator in digital health, it seems like there''s a temptation to crown an "Uber for Health" that will disrupt the industry in a radical consumer-facing way. But lately, it looks like Uber itself might be interested in that title. Over the last week, Uber has collaborated with three different digital health companies and named Boston Children''s Hospital''s John Brownstein its first...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-11-20 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (100, 'What does it mean to own your health data?', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/46638/what-does-it-mean-to-own-your-health-data', ' In Topol and Kish''s formulation, individual health data will feed into big data breakthroughs. "Give me my damn data" has been a refrain among e-patients for many years. But what does it really mean to own data? That''s a much larger question that Scripps Health Chief Academic Officer Dr. Eric Topol and Leonard Kish, Topol''s co-founder at unpatient.org, have tackled the question in an op-ed...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-09-09 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (101, 'Why what works for Uber may not work for medical apps', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45826/why-what-works-for-uber-may-not-work-for-medical-apps', 'By Bradley Merrill Thompson Healthcare in America needs disrupting. The media has widely reported on the high cost of, and poor outcomes produced by, the US health care system. Fortunately, attracted by possible profit in a market that currently constitutes over 17 percent of GDP, quite a few startups are anxious to do the needed disrupting. Indeed, innovators from many places outside of...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-08-05 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (102, 'AARP study, White House panel weigh in on how to make tech accessible for seniors', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/45308/aarp-study-white-house-panel-weigh-in-on-how-to-make-tech-accessible-for-seniors', ' President Obama addresses the White House Conference on Aging. Yesterday, celebrating 50 years of Medicare and 80 years of Social Security, the White House hosted its Conference on Aging. At a panel during the summit, experts discussed how to make technology accessible to seniors. A study on that same topic was released by AARP today. "We choose to do big things here in America," President...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-07-14 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (103, 'Five ways a Boston Children''s Hospital spin-off is using social media for public health', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/42072/five-ways-a-boston-childrens-hospital-spin-off-is-using-social-media-for-public-health', 'John Brownstein''s Computational Epidemiology Group at Boston Children’s Hospital has received attention in the past for its efforts to use data streams from social media, along with publicly available data from the government, to predict outbreaks of disease. Under Brownstein''s directorship, the team has mined Yelp for the foods most likely to cause food poisoning, helped aggregate data about the...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-04-02 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0), (104, 'Pager gets $10.4M to take its house call app out of New York', 'http://www.mobihealthnews.com/41227/pager-gets-10-4m-to-take-its-house-call-app-out-of-new-york', 'Pager, which offers an app consumers can use to request in-person physician house calls, has raised $10.4 million according to VentureBeat. The round was put up by existing seed investors Lux Capital and Montage Ventures, and new investors Goodwater Capital and Summation Health Ventures. New York City-based Pager, which launched last May, is one of many startups to have called itself an “Uber for...', 43, 2, 2, 0, '2015-03-10 00:00:00', '2017-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 0); /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;