<?php class WPML_Root_Page { public static function init() { if ( WPML_Root_Page::uses_html_root() || WPML_Root_Page::get_root_id() > 0 || strpos( (string) filter_var( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), 'wpml_root_page=1' ) !== false || (bool) filter_input( INPUT_POST, '_wpml_root_page' ) === true ) { global $wpml_root_page_actions; $wpml_root_page_actions = wpml_get_root_page_actions_obj(); add_action( 'init', array( $wpml_root_page_actions, 'wpml_home_url_init' ), 0 ); add_filter( 'wp_page_menu_args', array( $wpml_root_page_actions, 'wpml_home_url_exclude_root_page_from_menus' ) ); add_filter( 'wp_get_nav_menu_items', array( $wpml_root_page_actions, 'exclude_root_page_menu_item' ), 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'wp_list_pages_excludes', array( $wpml_root_page_actions, 'wpml_home_url_exclude_root_page' ) ); add_filter( 'page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args', array( $wpml_root_page_actions, 'wpml_home_url_exclude_root_page2' ) ); add_filter( 'get_pages', array( $wpml_root_page_actions, 'wpml_home_url_get_pages' ) ); add_action( 'save_post', array( $wpml_root_page_actions, 'wpml_home_url_save_post_actions' ), 0, 2 ); if ( self::get_root_id() > 0 ) { add_filter( 'template_include', array( 'WPML_Root_Page', 'wpml_home_url_template_include' ) ); add_filter( 'the_preview', array( 'WPML_Root_Page', 'front_page_id_filter' ) ); } $root_page_actions = wpml_get_root_page_actions_obj(); add_action( 'icl_set_element_language', array( $root_page_actions, 'delete_root_page_lang' ), 10, 0 ); } } /** * Checks if the value in $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI] points towards the root page. * Therefore this can be used to check if the current request points towards the root page. * @return bool */ public static function is_current_request_root() { return self::is_root_page( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] ); } /** * @param $requested_url string * Checks if a requested url points towards the root page. * * @return bool */ public static function is_root_page( $requested_url ) { $cached_val = wp_cache_get( md5( $requested_url ) ); if ( $cached_val !== false ) { return (bool) $cached_val; } $request_parts = self::get_slugs_and_get_query( $requested_url ); $slugs = $request_parts[ 'slugs' ]; $gets = $request_parts[ 'querystring' ]; $target_of_gets = self::get_query_target_from_query_string( $gets ); if ( $target_of_gets == WPML_QUERY_IS_ROOT ) { $result = true; } elseif ( $target_of_gets == WPML_QUERY_IS_OTHER_THAN_ROOT || $target_of_gets == WPML_QUERY_IS_NOT_FOR_POST && self::query_points_to_archive( $gets ) ) { $result = false; } else { $result = self::slugs_point_to_root( $slugs ); } wp_cache_add( md5( $requested_url ), ( $result === true ? 1 : 0 ) ); return $result; } public static function uses_html_root() { $urls = icl_get_setting( 'urls' ); return isset( $urls[ 'root_page' ] ) && isset( $urls[ 'show_on_root' ] ) && $urls[ 'show_on_root' ] === 'html_file'; } /** * Returns the id of the root page or false if it isn't set. * @return bool|int */ public static function get_root_id() { $root_actions = wpml_get_root_page_actions_obj(); return $root_actions->get_root_page_id(); } /** * Returns the slug of the root page or false if non exists. * @return bool|string */ private static function get_root_slug() { $root_id = self::get_root_id(); $root_slug = false; if ( $root_id ) { $root_page_object = get_post( $root_id ); if ( $root_page_object && isset( $root_page_object->post_name ) ) { $root_slug = $root_page_object->post_name; } } return $root_slug; } /** * @param $requested_url string * Takes a request_url in the format of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] * and returns an associative array containing its slugs ans query string. * * @return array */ private static function get_slugs_and_get_query( $requested_url ) { $result = array(); $request_path = parse_url( $requested_url, PHP_URL_PATH ); $request_path = wpml_strip_subdir_from_url( $request_path ); $slugs = self::get_slugs_array( $request_path ); $result[ 'slugs' ] = $slugs; $query_string = parse_url( $requested_url, PHP_URL_QUERY ); $result[ 'querystring' ] = ! $query_string ? '' : $query_string; return $result; } /** * @param $path string * Turns a query string into an array of its slugs. * The array is filtered so to not contain empty values and * consecutively and numerically indexed starting at 0. * * @return array */ private static function get_slugs_array( $path ) { $slugs = explode( '/', $path ); $slugs = array_filter( $slugs ); $slugs = array_values( $slugs ); return $slugs; } /** * @param $slugs array * Checks if a given set of slugs points towards the root page or not. * The result of this can always be overridden by GET parameters and is not a certain * check as to being on the root page or not. * * @return bool */ private static function slugs_point_to_root( $slugs ) { $result = true; if ( ! empty( $slugs ) ) { $root_slug = self::get_root_slug(); $last_slug = array_pop( $slugs ); $second_slug = array_pop( $slugs ); $third_slug = array_pop( $slugs ); if ( ( $root_slug != $last_slug && ! is_numeric( $last_slug ) ) || ( is_numeric( $last_slug ) && $second_slug != null && $root_slug !== $second_slug && ( ( 'page' !== $second_slug ) || ( 'page' === $second_slug && ( $third_slug && $third_slug != $root_slug ) ) ) ) ) { $result = false; } } return $result; } /** * @param $query_string * Turns a given query string into an associative array of its parameters. * * @return array */ private static function get_query_array_from_string( $query_string ) { $all_query_params = array(); parse_str( $query_string, $all_query_params ); return $all_query_params; } /** * @param $query_string string * Checks if the WP_Query functionality can decisively recognize if a querystring points * towards an archive. * * @return bool */ private static function query_points_to_archive( $query_string ) { $root_page_actions = wpml_get_root_page_actions_obj(); remove_action( 'parse_query', array( $root_page_actions, 'wpml_home_url_parse_query' ) ); $query_string = str_replace( '?', '', $query_string ); $query = new WP_Query( $query_string ); $is_archive = $query->is_archive(); add_action( 'parse_query', array( $root_page_actions, 'wpml_home_url_parse_query' ) ); return $is_archive; } /** * @param $query_string string * Checks if a given query string decisively points towards or away from the root page. * * @return int */ private static function get_query_target_from_query_string( $query_string ) { $params_array = self::get_query_array_from_string( $query_string ); return self::get_query_target_from_params_array( $params_array ); } /** * @param $query_params array * Checks if a set of query parameters decisively points towards or away from the root page. * * @return int */ private static function get_query_target_from_params_array( $query_params ) { if ( ! isset( $query_params[ 'p' ] ) && ! isset( $query_params[ 'page_id' ] ) && ! isset( $query_params[ 'name' ] ) && ! isset( $query_params[ 'pagename' ] ) && ! isset( $query_params[ 'page_name' ] ) && ! isset( $query_params[ 'attachment_id' ] ) ) { $result = WPML_QUERY_IS_NOT_FOR_POST; } else { $root_id = self::get_root_id(); $root_slug = self::get_root_slug(); if ( ( isset( $query_params[ 'p' ] ) && $query_params[ 'p' ] != $root_id ) || ( isset( $query_params[ 'page_id' ] ) && $query_params[ 'page_id' ] != $root_id ) || ( isset( $query_params[ 'name' ] ) && $query_params[ 'name' ] != $root_slug ) || ( isset( $query_params[ 'pagename' ] ) && $query_params[ 'pagename' ] != $root_slug ) || ( isset( $query_params[ 'preview_id' ] ) && $query_params[ 'preview_id' ] != $root_id ) || ( isset( $query_params[ 'attachment_id' ] ) && $query_params[ 'attachment_id' ] != $root_id ) ) { $result = WPML_QUERY_IS_OTHER_THAN_ROOT; } else { $result = WPML_QUERY_IS_ROOT; } } return $result; } /** * @param $post false|WP_Post * Filters the postID used by the preview for the case of the root page preview. * * @return null|WP_Post */ public static function front_page_id_filter( $post ) { $preview_id = isset( $_GET[ 'preview_id' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'preview_id' ] : - 1; if ( $preview_id == self::get_root_id() ) { $post = get_post( $preview_id ); } return $post; } /** * Filters the template that is used for the root page * * @param $template * * @return string */ public static function wpml_home_url_template_include( $template ) { return self::is_current_request_root() ? get_page_template() : $template; } }