<?php /** * System Info * * @package Restrict Content Pro * @subpackage Admin/System Info * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017, Restrict Content Pro * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU Public License */ /** * Displays the system info report * * @since 2.5 * @return string $return The compiled system info report. */ function rcp_tools_system_info_report() { global $rcp_options, $wpdb; // Get theme info $theme_data = wp_get_theme(); $theme = $theme_data->Name . ' ' . $theme_data->Version; $return = '### Begin System Info ###' . "\n\n"; // Start with the basics... $return .= '-- Site Info' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Site URL: ' . site_url() . "\n"; $return .= 'Home URL: ' . home_url() . "\n"; $return .= 'Multisite: ' . ( is_multisite() ? 'Yes' : 'No' ) . "\n"; // WordPress configuration $return .= "\n" . '-- WordPress Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Version: ' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Language: ' . get_locale() . "\n"; $return .= 'Permalink Structure: ' . ( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ? get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) : 'Default' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Active Theme: ' . $theme . "\n"; $return .= 'Show On Front: ' . get_option( 'show_on_front' ) . "\n"; // Only show page specs if frontpage is set to 'page' if( get_option( 'show_on_front' ) === 'page' ) { $front_page_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); $blog_page_id = get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); $return .= 'Page On Front: ' . ( $front_page_id != 0 ? get_the_title( $front_page_id ) . ' (#' . $front_page_id . ')' : 'Unset' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Page For Posts: ' . ( $blog_page_id != 0 ? get_the_title( $blog_page_id ) . ' (#' . $blog_page_id . ')' : 'Unset' ) . "\n"; } $return .= 'ABSPATH: ' . ABSPATH . "\n"; $return .= 'Table Prefix: ' . 'Length: ' . strlen( $wpdb->prefix ) . ' Status: ' . ( strlen( $wpdb->prefix ) > 16 ? 'ERROR: Too long' : 'Acceptable' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'WP_DEBUG: ' . ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) ? WP_DEBUG ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' : 'Not set' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Memory Limit: ' . WP_MEMORY_LIMIT . "\n"; $return .= 'Registered Post Stati: ' . implode( ', ', get_post_stati() ) . "\n"; // RCP Config $auto_renew_options = array( 1 => 'Always auto renew', 2 => 'Never auto renew', 3 => 'Let customer choose whether to auto renew' ); $return .= "\n" . '-- RCP Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Version: ' . RCP_PLUGIN_VERSION . "\n"; $return .= 'License Key: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['license_key'] ) ? $rcp_options['license_key'] . "\n" : "Not set\n" ); $return .= 'Auto Renew: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['auto_renew'] ) && array_key_exists( $rcp_options['auto_renew'], $auto_renew_options ) ? $auto_renew_options[$rcp_options['auto_renew']] . "\n" : "Invalid Configuration\n" ); $return .= 'Currency: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['currency'] ) ? $rcp_options['currency'] . "\n" : "Invalid Configuration\n" ); $return .= 'Currency Position: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['currency_position'] ) ? $rcp_options['currency_position'] . "\n" : "Invalid Configuration\n" ); $return .= 'Sandbox Mode: ' . ( rcp_is_sandbox() ? "True" . "\n" : "False\n" ); // RCP pages $return .= "\n" . '-- RCP Page Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Registration Page: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['registration_page'] ) ? get_permalink( $rcp_options['registration_page'] ) . "\n" : "Unset\n" ); $return .= 'Success Page: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['redirect'] ) ? get_permalink( $rcp_options['redirect'] ) . "\n" : "Unset\n" ); $return .= 'Account Page: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['account_page'] ) ? get_permalink( $rcp_options['account_page'] ) . "\n" : "Unset\n" ); $return .= 'Edit Profile Page: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['edit_profile'] ) ? get_permalink( $rcp_options['edit_profile'] ) . "\n" : "Unset\n" ); $return .= 'Update Billing Card Page: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['update_card'] ) ? get_permalink( $rcp_options['update_card'] ) . "\n" : "Unset\n" ); // RCP gateways $return .= "\n" . '-- RCP Gateway Configuration' . "\n\n"; $active_gateways = rcp_get_enabled_payment_gateways(); if( $active_gateways ) { $gateways = array(); foreach( $active_gateways as $key => $label ) { $gateways[] = $label . ' (' . $key . ')'; } $return .= 'Enabled Gateways: ' . implode( ', ', $gateways ) . "\n"; } else { $return .= 'Enabled Gateways: None' . "\n"; } // RCP Misc Settings $return .= "\n" . '-- RCP Misc Settings' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Hide Premium Posts: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['hide_premium'] ) ? "True\n" : "False\n" ); $return .= 'Redirect Page: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['redirect_from_premium'] ) ? get_permalink( $rcp_options['redirect_from_premium'] ) . "\n" : "Unset\n" ); $return .= 'Redirect Default Login URL ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['hijack_login_url'] ) ? "True\n" : "False\n" ); $return .= 'Login Page: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['login_redirect'] ) ? get_permalink( $rcp_options['login_redirect'] ) . "\n" : "Unset\n" ); $return .= 'Prevent Account Sharing: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['no_login_sharing'] ) ? "True\n" : "False\n" ); $return .= 'Email IPN Reports: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['email_ipn_reports'] ) ? "True\n" : "False\n" ); $return .= 'Disable Form CSS: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['disable_css'] ) ? "True\n" : "False\n" ); $return .= 'Enable reCaptcha: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['enable_recaptcha'] ) ? "True\n" : "False\n" ); $return .= 'reCaptcha Site Key: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['recaptcha_public_key'] ) ? "Set\n" : "Unset\n" ); $return .= 'reCaptcha Secret Key: ' . ( ! empty( $rcp_options['recaptcha_private_key'] ) ? "Set\n" : "Unset\n" ); // RCP Templates $dir = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/rcp/'; if( is_dir( $dir ) && ( count( glob( "$dir/*" ) ) !== 0 ) ) { $return .= "\n" . '-- RCP Template Overrides' . "\n\n"; foreach( glob( $dir . '/*' ) as $file ) { $return .= 'Filename: ' . basename( $file ) . "\n"; } } // Get plugins that have an update $updates = get_plugin_updates(); // Must-use plugins // NOTE: MU plugins can't show updates! $muplugins = get_mu_plugins(); if( count( $muplugins > 0 ) ) { $return .= "\n" . '-- Must-Use Plugins' . "\n\n"; foreach( $muplugins as $plugin => $plugin_data ) { $return .= $plugin_data['Name'] . ': ' . $plugin_data['Version'] . "\n"; } } // WordPress active plugins $return .= "\n" . '-- WordPress Active Plugins' . "\n\n"; $plugins = get_plugins(); $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ); foreach( $plugins as $plugin_path => $plugin ) { if( !in_array( $plugin_path, $active_plugins ) ) continue; $update = ( array_key_exists( $plugin_path, $updates ) ) ? ' (needs update - ' . $updates[$plugin_path]->update->new_version . ')' : ''; $return .= $plugin['Name'] . ': ' . $plugin['Version'] . $update . "\n"; } // WordPress inactive plugins $return .= "\n" . '-- WordPress Inactive Plugins' . "\n\n"; foreach( $plugins as $plugin_path => $plugin ) { if( in_array( $plugin_path, $active_plugins ) ) continue; $update = ( array_key_exists( $plugin_path, $updates ) ) ? ' (needs update - ' . $updates[$plugin_path]->update->new_version . ')' : ''; $return .= $plugin['Name'] . ': ' . $plugin['Version'] . $update . "\n"; } if( is_multisite() ) { // WordPress Multisite active plugins $return .= "\n" . '-- Network Active Plugins' . "\n\n"; $plugins = wp_get_active_network_plugins(); $active_plugins = get_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins', array() ); foreach( $plugins as $plugin_path ) { $plugin_base = plugin_basename( $plugin_path ); if( !array_key_exists( $plugin_base, $active_plugins ) ) continue; $update = ( array_key_exists( $plugin_path, $updates ) ) ? ' (needs update - ' . $updates[$plugin_path]->update->new_version . ')' : ''; $plugin = get_plugin_data( $plugin_path ); $return .= $plugin['Name'] . ': ' . $plugin['Version'] . $update . "\n"; } } // Server configuration (really just versioning) $return .= "\n" . '-- Webserver Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'PHP Version: ' . PHP_VERSION . "\n"; $return .= 'MySQL Version: ' . $wpdb->db_version() . "\n"; $return .= 'Webserver Info: ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . "\n"; // PHP configuration $return .= "\n" . '-- PHP Configuration' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'Safe Mode: ' . ( ini_get( 'safe_mode' ) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' . "\n" ); $return .= 'Memory Limit: ' . ini_get( 'memory_limit' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Upload Max Size: ' . ini_get( 'upload_max_filesize' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Post Max Size: ' . ini_get( 'post_max_size' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Upload Max Filesize: ' . ini_get( 'upload_max_filesize' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Time Limit: ' . ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Max Input Vars: ' . ini_get( 'max_input_vars' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Display Errors: ' . ( ini_get( 'display_errors' ) ? 'On (' . ini_get( 'display_errors' ) . ')' : 'N/A' ) . "\n"; // PHP extensions and such $return .= "\n" . '-- PHP Extensions' . "\n\n"; $return .= 'cURL: ' . ( function_exists( 'curl_init' ) ? 'Supported' : 'Not Supported' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'fsockopen: ' . ( function_exists( 'fsockopen' ) ? 'Supported' : 'Not Supported' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'SOAP Client: ' . ( class_exists( 'SoapClient' ) ? 'Installed' : 'Not Installed' ) . "\n"; $return .= 'Suhosin: ' . ( extension_loaded( 'suhosin' ) ? 'Installed' : 'Not Installed' ) . "\n"; $return .= "\n" . '### End System Info ###'; return $return; }